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Frequently asked questions about the Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme

Breastfeeding welcome scheme logo

Useful frequently asked questions for businesses and organisations: 

Does it cost anything to join the Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme?

No, there is no charge to join the Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme.

Do I need to have a private space for breastfeeding mothers?

No you don’t. Most mothers are happy to feed anywhere, especially when they know they will be welcomed.  Some mothers might ask you if you have a private space, maybe if their baby is still very young and they feel uncertain about feeding or if they have a baby that is easily distracted so if you have a private space where a mother can sit feel free to offer it to a mother who asks.  It is never appropriate to suggest a mother feed her baby in the toilet or to insist a mother uses a private space if you have one.

Do my staff and I need to do any training about the scheme?

The staff information sheet has some brief information about the law that protects a person’s right to breastfeed in a public place, the importance of breastfeeding and why the scheme is needed.  Asking staff members or volunteers to read the sheet and to be aware of what to do if a breastfeeding mother or family comes into your premises is sufficient.

What do I do if another customer asks me to tell a mother to stop breastfeeding her baby?

The law in Wales (and England and Scotland) means that a mother cannot be stopped from breastfeeding her baby in a public place. If someone asks you to stop a mother from breastfeeding you could let them know about the law (The Equality Act 2010) and show them the Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme staff information sheet if you have it available.  You could ask the person who raised the concern if they would feel more comfortable moving to sit somewhere else if that is appropriate (you must not ask the mother to move).

What if I run activities in lots of different venues but don't have my own premises, can I still sign up?

Yes! If you run activities like baby music, yoga or massage or other activities where babies are welcome and move around different venues you can still sign your organisation or business up to show that you are breastfeeding friendly and that you welcome breastfeeding parents.

Can I sign up my business even if I don't have any space for a mother to sit and feed?

Yes! You would be surprised at how easy it can be to offer a mother somewhere to feed.  If you have space for even one chair then a mother might be very relieved to be able to feed a baby without having to wait.

Do I get any promotional materials?

On joining the Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme you will receive a bilingual Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme sticker which we request you put in your window. This will identify your venue as a Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme venue to breastfeeding mothers and families and the wider community. You will also receive a staff information pack and policy document. These will be sent to you electronically.

How will the Scheme be promoted?

The Scheme is promoted on our website, social media pages and in breastfeeding support groups. It is also promoted by Midwives and Health Visitors. In addition, all members of the Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme must agree to have their details added to the Dewis Cymru website in the Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme section. This ensures that all breastfeeding welcome venues in Powys can easily be found by mothers when they are out and about.

Are there any checks or ongoing requirements for the Scheme?

Once a year, our Public Health Team will contact you to find out if you are still happy to be on the Scheme and to check if any of your details have changed. This is undertaken to keep the list of Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme venues current and up-to-date on the Dewis Cymru website. If you have decided to leave the Scheme, we would ask that you take down the Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme sticker from your window, and we will remove your details from the Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme section of Dewis Cymru (this will not affect any other listings you may have on Dewis Cymru).

My business doesn't have any public premises, but we do have employees. Can we still sign up?

Yes! By joining the Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme you can show your employees and any service users that you support breastfeeding. You may also like to read the information on how to be a breastfeeding welcome employer.
