Being active has many benefits. It will help you to sleep better, maintain a healthy weight, manage your stress levels and improve your energy levels - all of these can help to improve your quality of life. Being active is especially important if you are awaiting or undergoing treatment. It will help to strengthen your heart and lungs which in turn will help your body to cope with any current or future treatments.
Any activity that makes you feel slightly out of breath is beneficial. If you are already active, continue as you are, or if you feel able, try and do a little more. If you are not currently very active or feel you could do more, this is the time to give it a go. Do it today, don’t put it off. Lack of movement is very bad for our bodies, our muscles waste away quickly and this affects our strength and our balance. Our muscles, bones and joints like to be moved, even though they might creak and groan a bit.
Discuss any concerns about your exercise ability with your healthcare team or GP if you feel it is needed. Do not wait as exercise is a very important part of your preparation for and ability to complete any treatment.
If you are unsteady on your feet or if you have had a fall before, you should take extra care when moving around. We want you to be active, but we don’t want you to fall or injure yourself.
Ask your GP or other healthcare professional about services in your local area for extra support if you feel this is needed.