Vaping is not recommended for use by children and young people, or anyone who has never smoked, as vaping is not without harm. In the short term, people may suffer from headaches, sore throats, dizziness, and coughs. Developing brains should not be exposed to nicotine, which poses a risk of addiction and dependence and potentially a gateway towards tobacco use.
Contact Powys Smoking Cessation Services on: FREEPHONE 0800 0852219
Or you can ask to be phoned back by filling in your contact details online at: Help Me Quit | Stop Smoking Services In Wales
Click on the links below to access support available across Powys:
Powys Young Person’s Substance Misuse Service – Adferiad
Support from the Youth Service - Powys County Council
Follow the link below to guidance document that provides information and guidance on vaping for secondary aged learners in Wales:
Information and Guidance on Vaping for Schools in Wales