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Coronavirus and the importance of Advance Care Planning

This is an Advance Statement to help answer questions and help us make decisions about your care if you catch Coronavirus and become very unwell “so sick that you might not survive”. If you were unable to speak for yourself this advance statement may be helpful for your family and loved ones, and the health care professionals who may be caring for you.

You can use this document along with ‘My Life, My Wishes’ advance care plan and the information guidance document, or this can be your stand-alone advance statement. Please look at the My Life, My Wishes information guidance document for other supportive information e.g. Do Not Attempt Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR), Lasting Power of Attorneys (LPA’s).

If you have clear opinions about treatments or interventions that you would not want, you can formalise these wishes by completing a legally binding Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment (ADRT). For further information please see the information guidance booklet

We recommend:

Due to the seriousness of the virus, it is important for you to consider where you wish to be cared for and what is important to you in case you become severely unwell with Coronavirus - is being at home with friends and family important to you or is having a professional caring for you in a care setting more important, even if it meant your loved ones may not be able to visit?

If you decide to stay at home the care team will help you be as comfortable as possible. Thank you for thinking this through, please talk this through with your loved ones so they are aware of your wishes.
