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Board Governance

Board Governance

Powys Teaching Health Board is made up of Executive Directors, who are employees of the Health Board, and Independent Board Members (IMs), who are appointed to the Board by the Minister for Health and Social Services via an open and competitive public appointments process.

Together, the Board, Executive Team and directorate management structure focus on the health needs of Powys communities.

Standards of Behaviour and Declaration of Interests

All Board Members must adhere to the Standards of Behaviour Framework Policy, incorporating declarations of interest, gifts, hospitality and sponsorship which can be viewed here. The Standards of Behaviour can be viewed here. 

All Board Members are required to complete a Declarations of Interest form on an annual basis.  The individual declarations are collated onto a corporate Register of Interests - the Register for 2024/25 can be viewed here.

Meetings of the Board

The Board meets on a bi-monthly basis, as a minimum, in public session. The Board is supported in the decision making process by a structure of Committee and Advisory Groups. Dates and venues for public meetings, and associated agendas, papers and minutes can be accessed from our Board Meetings page.

Board Governance Framework - Standing Orders

Local Health Boards in Wales must agree Standing Orders (SOs) for the regulation of their proceedings and business. The Standing Orders for PTHB and Glossary of Terms, including the Standing Finance Instructions and Scheme of Reservation and Delegation of Powers are available below. 

Further detail regarding the Joint Commissioning Committee including the Memorandum of Agreement and Hosting Agreement can be found here.

Board Annual Work Programme

The Board Annual Work Programme is agreed at Board but may be subject to change.  Please see Board Meetings for Board agendas and minutes. 

Board Risk Register

The Board is required to gain assurance on the extent to which the organisation is operating effectively, delivering its strategic vision and meeting the objectives of the Strategic Direction that has been set by managing risks, maximising opportunities and mitigating threats.

The Board’s Risk Register is framed within the key principle risks facing the organisation:

  • Failure to secure and maintain the quality of patient services
  • Failure to secure financial sustainability
  • Failure to deliver required organisational performance
  • Failure to effectively commission
  • Failure to sustain an engaged and effective workforce
  • Failure to deliver the required transformation of services
  • Failure to deliver effective strategic partnerships
  • Failure to effectively govern the organisation

The Risk Register provides the Board with:

  • Underpinning risks at a detailed level: described by cause, effect and impact
  • Current controls to mitigate risk
  • Required improvement actions to achieve risk target
  • Proximity of risk (to get to risk tolerance)
  • Risk rating – previous and current
  • Trend (to demonstrate movement in risk between previous and current)
  • Review date (where assurance to the Board/Committees will be provided that improvement actions are underway to achieve risk target)
  • Risk Tolerance (level of tolerated risk)

Risk Management Documents:

Should you have any questions regarding the Board Risk Register, please get in touch with the Director of Corporate Governance/Board Secretary via 

