Powys Patients’ Council (PPC) is a project funded by the Powys Teaching Health Board, facilitated by Powys Association of Voluntary Organisations (PAVO), Mental Health team. It aims to give a voice to people in acute mental health units. The Patients’ Council hold regular, confidential, patient-only meetings in a private setting on the ward with volunteers who have experience of being in hospital themselves.
This gives people an opportunity to express their views on the services they receive, ask questions and give feedback in a confidential way. Feedback is then given anonymously to staff and senior hospital management so that solutions can be found to any issues.
When do the Patients’ Council Meet?
The Patients’ Council meet once a month, usually the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Dates are usually posted on the PAVO website (www.pavo.org.uk) or on the Ward bulletin board in Bronllys Hospital.