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Avoid Slips and Trips in Icy Weather

Falling over is not an inevitable part of growing older!

We can fall over at any age but as we get older, we are more likely to get hurt from falling.

You can do a few things to help reduce your risk.

  • Wearing shoes and slippers that fit well, have a back, good grip, secure fastening and ones that do not slip off can help.
  • It is also recommended that you always wear shoes or slippers, and never walk indoors in bare feet, socks, or tights. We do not want you slipping down the stairs in your socks!
  • Look after your feet for any areas of discomfort and for any changes in colour or condition.

With the MET office issuing a yellow warning for snow across our area from midday Saturday to Monday morning, please be particularly careful. You can keep up to date with weather updates and read more advice on staying safe in the snow from the Met Office website