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Inclusive communications boards installed in Talgarth playground

Tara Louviere-Cowen, Jackie Perola, Stephen Butcher, William Powell, Sophie and Jess Powell at Talgarth playground

Last month saw the latest communications boards installed in Woodlands Avenue playpark in Talgarth. 

The two boards are part of a network of boards being installed in around 50 parks across the county. 

The boards use Makaton and communications symbols to help both young children and those with additional communication needs to develop their communications skills and allows others to be more inclusive in their communication with people. 

The boards have been provided in a partnership between Powys Teaching Health Board, Powys County Council and Talk With Me, a Welsh Government initiative.

Makaton is a communication system using key word signs alongside speech. It is a great way of supporting all babies and children to develop their language skills. In Makaton we only sign the most important words in a sentence while we speak. Over 100,000 people use Makaton either as their main method of communication or as a way to support speech.

Senior Speech and Language Therapist, Tara Louviere-Cowen was joined by Jackie Perola, founding member of the Woodlands Avenue Play Park Regeneration Group, Stephen Butcher, PCC Countryside and Outdoor Recreation Manager and William Powell, County Councillor for Talgarth as well as local children, Sophie and Jess Powell.


Released: 30/08/23