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Covid Changes

Powys residents are being urged to remain on their guard for COVID-19 despite a reduction in county cases and the further easing of national restrictions.

Cases numbers in the county have fallen from the very high rates seen early in the New Year with the Omicron wave but remain above 300 cases per 100,000 population with significant hotspots such as Brecon being registered.

Director of Public Health, Stuart Bourne said: “Although case numbers in the county are falling and we are now below the Welsh average, we still have significant numbers of new infections every day.  Brecon in particular has the highest number of cases in Wales at present.  I am asking residents to stay on their guard and follow the advice we have all got used to over the past two years regarding face mask use, social distancing and hand hygiene, and making sure they are fully vaccinated.”

Wales completed the process of moving from Covid Alert Level Two to Zero last month and new further removal of restrictions will be introduced in February following the latest Welsh Government review.

The changes will include a relaxation on the need to show a NHS Pass to enter events and later the requirement to wear a facemask.

Changes to be introduce from February 18

  • From next Friday (18 February) – it will no longer be a legal requirement to show a Covid Pass in Wales to enter large indoor and outdoor events, nightclubs, cinemas, theatres and concert halls,
  • But if venues and events want to continue using Covid Passes they can.

Changes to be introduce from February 28

  • From 28 February, Welsh Government will remove the requirement for face coverings to be worn in indoor public places, apart from in retail, on public transport and in health and care settings.
  • Adults can remove their face coverings when they are interacting with babies and small children at baby and toddler groups.
  • Self-isolation will remain an important way of breaking the chain of transmission of the virus and preventing more people from becoming infected.

Keep Wales safe:

Published: 11/02/2022