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Health experts remind public of dangers of Carbon Monoxide poisoning

Public Health Wales are reminding people of the simple actions they need to take to prevent Carbon Monoxide (CO) poisoning in the home.

The advice includes having heating and cooking appliances checked at least once a year, and chimneys and flues checked or swept at least once every year. They also strongly advise having a working carbon monoxide alarm. All of this can prevent problems with CO, including CO poisoning. 

The call comes after the Environmental Public Health Service received a number of distressing CO related calls, from a range of sources. 

Paul Callow, Environmental Public Health Scientist at Public Health Wales, said: 

“As it gets colder and we use our heating more we just want to remind people of the dangers of CO and how to keep you and your loved ones safe.  

“CO poisoning can kill and the symptoms and signs can be mistaken for other things. But, thankfully, it is easy to prevent.  

 “Getting your cooking and heating appliances checked at least once a year by a registered person, and having a working CO alarm in your home, will prevent this happening.” 

Symptoms of CO poisoning can be similar to symptoms of flu, food poisoning and a hangover. They include headaches (as the most common symptom), tiredness, feeling or being sick, dizziness, confusion, loss of consciousness. Symptoms often improve when outdoors. Exposure to high levels of CO can kill.  CO poisoning tends to be more common in the winter when heating systems are switched on and used.  

For more information: 

Carbon Monoxide (CO) - Public Health Wales ( 

Carbon monoxide poisoning: advice for health professionals | GOV.WALES 

Published 20/12/22