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We can all play our part to Keep Powys Safe

Respiratory viruses like COVID-19 and flu can put the most vulnerable people in our communities at risk of serious illness. This winter, we can all play our part to help protect those most at risk

We’ve all become familiar with taking protective measures to help keep each other safe. Taking a few simple steps, every day, we can all help to reduce the impact of future waves of COVID-19 and help reduce the spread of all respiratory infections like flu.

  • Get vaccinated for COVID-19 and for seasonal flu
  • Stay at home if you’re ill and limit your contact with others
  • Wash or sanitise your hands often
  • Wear a face covering in crowded indoor or enclosed places, including health and care settings
  • Meet others outdoors if you can
  • When indoors, increase ventilation and let fresh air in where possible

Read the latest advice.

Published 30/10/22