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Manage those back to uni fears

Text Reads: Worried about returning to Uni? Image of girl with hands on head and open book on table.

Imposter syndrome and fear of failure are common experiences for many students. Unchecked, they can provoke anxiety and get in the way of your success and enjoyment at university. But by understanding them, you can take proactive steps to overcome them and move forward with confidence.

Accept how you feel

Be kind to yourself, understanding that everyone makes mistakes and recognising that getting things wrong is part and parcel of learning something new.

Lean on your relationships

Work on building your connections – relationships are important to our well-being generally but, in a student setting, friendships can help you appreciate that you’re not alone in your struggles.

Develop your academic skills

Being prepared can help reduce anxiety, and the more competent you feel, the more likely you are to succeed.

For more support, grab a guide to SilverCloud Wales’ free programmes for student mental health here

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A longer version of this article first appeared on Student Space here

