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Survey on Experiences of Mental Health Care in Wales

Text Mental Health appearing behind torn brown paper with drawn human brain on it.

Healthcare Inspectorate Wales & NHS Wales National Collaborative Commissioning Unit Survey on Experiences of  Mental Health Care in Wales

Every day people with mental illness or emotional distress end up needing help. We want to understand the experiences of individuals accessing mental health care in Wales. This survey will support us to improve services and by completing the survey you can help shape the future of services in Wales. Taking part is completely voluntary. All answers will be treated in confidence and it will not affect the care you receive.

The survey has been developed by the Picker Institute, an independent health and social research charity, in partnership with Healthcare Inspectorate Wales and the NHS Wales National Collaborative Commissioning Unit.

This questionnaire should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. Please complete in either Welsh or English [choice is made top right of survey page].

Follow this link to respond to the survey

Closing date: 16 April