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Please attend your COVID-19 appointment only at your confirmed appointment time

We are very pleased to be vaccinating people in our third Mass Vaccination Centre today.

However please remember that vaccination is by appointment only.

Unfortunately a number of people have been attending the vaccination centres without an appointment.

We are booking people in for vaccination as quickly as possible and every person over the age of 80 will have been invited for vaccination by the end of next week.

In the meantime, please do NOT attend a vaccination centre unless you have an appointment.

We also ask come to your vaccine appointment at your allotted time.

Some people are arriving early, thinking that it might help. However, we have planned the flow of people through our vaccination centres carefully and we really need you to please arrive on time, not early, not late.

Thank you for helping us to help you. 

Together we can Keep Powys Safe.

More information about COVID-19 vaccination in Powys is available from our COVID-19 vaccination pages.