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School pupils given fake vape packages to address urgent health risk

School pupil looking at fake vape packet

Powys Teaching Health Board has taken urgent action to counter the increasing prevalence of youth vaping.

Secondary school pupils in Powys were provided with fake vape packages to draw their attention to the harmful marketing practices that are contributing to a rise in youth vaping.

Year 8 and 9 pupils in two schools were handed small packages that appear from a distance to contain vape products, mimicking the bright colours, sleek designs and references to fresh fruit or sweets often used in their marketing.

But on closer inspection, the images of fruit are mouldy and rotten, with the packets covered with health warnings against their use. A QR code links pupils to further advice.

Young people at two secondary schools in the Powys County Council area took part in the activity in partnership with Powys Teaching Health Board.

Despite it being illegal to sell a vape to anyone under 18 since 2015, the proportion of young people vaping in Wales has risen rapidly in recent years with many professionals who work with children highlighting concerns.

The proportion of children in years 7 to 11 in Wales reporting vaping at least once a week rose to 7% in 2023, an increase from 5.4% in 2021 and 2.7% in 2019, according to figures from the School Health Research Network. The data shows that 19.6% of young people (aged 11 to 16) have tried vaping in Powys, slightly lower than the Welsh average of 20.4%.

One year 9 pupil who took part in the activity said: “It’s more normalised for our age especially now. You go out and see groups girls and boys vaping.

“They are really colourful and advertising the flavours, so it’s very aimed at our age group.”

In 2024, Public Health Wales’ incident report on vaping among children and young people in Wales said evidence suggests disposable devices may be more appealing to children and young people as they typically cost less, are easier to use, are seen as easier to use discreetly in school and are often marketed in ways that appeal to younger people. For example, by using brighter colours and flavour descriptors that may appeal to younger people.

Carron Gould, Associate Leader at Crickhowell High School, said: “It is essential that we highlight the dangers of vaping to our young people. Their health and future are at risk, due to the rise in the use of these products and lack of understanding to the harmful substances that are contained in them.

“Raising awareness can empower young people to make informed choices to protect themselves from the negative effects of nicotine and other toxic substances.”

Powys County Council and Powys Teaching Health Board organised the engagement and Physical and Social Education lesson with pupils at Ysgol Calon Cymru and Crickhowell High School as part of its Bursting with Flavour campaign.

The campaign aims to raise awareness among young people of the harms of vaping, while calling for greater action to stop the increase in the number of young people taking up the habit.

Mererid Bowley, Executive Director of Public Health at Powys Teaching Health Board, said: “Vaping is not without harm and we are reminding young people that if you don’t smoke, don’t start vaping.

“Most vapes contain nicotine which is addictive. Regular use can make someone dependent on nicotine, affecting their concentration and ability to learn. In the short term, young people may suffer from headaches, sore throats, dizziness, and coughs from the use of vapes and although vapes have been around for more than 15 years, we simply do not have enough evidence to know what the long-term effects of vaping might be.

“The impact of this dependency is being seen by schools across Powys, Wales and the UK. Schools are reporting increasing vape use among pupils and problem behaviours as a result. Schools have reported that vape use has become a growing issue over the last two years leading to them having to monitor specific areas of their site for vaping, for example toilets.

“A ban on the sale of single-use vapes coming into effect in June 2025 is a step in the right direction. But we need further legislation in place to limit the vaping industry’s ability to market these products to children.”

Cllr Richard Church, Powys County Council’s Cabinet Member for a Safer Powys, said: “The rise in youth vaping is a concern. It is becoming more evident on our streets and I worry about its impact on even younger children, who may see it as a trend to follow.

“We must take action now to prevent this from escalating further and to protect the health of our young people and that is why the Bursting with Flavour campaign is so important. We need to all work together to tackle this issue and have open conversations with our young people about the risk of vaping.”


Released: 27/03/2025