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Share your views on satellite radiotherapy services at Nevill Hall Hospital

As part of Velindre University NHS Trust’s plans to build a Radiotherapy Satellite Centre at Nevill Hall Hospital, they are asking patients, their families and carers, as well as staff about their views on this change to radiotherapy services in south east Wales.

This is part of our collaborative working with Velindre University NHS Trust so that we can ensure that radiotherapy services are sustainable for the future and lead to improved patient care, as well as outcomes.

We want to encourage as many people as possible to get involved and share their views so that the service change and overall Radiotherapy Satellite Centre plans are shaped by your feedback. You can do that by filling in the questionnaire or by signing up for one of the online Velindre events.

Visit the Velindre NHS Trust website to find out more and have your say: Satellite Radiotherapy Centre development - Velindre University NHS Trust

This public engagement opportunity runs for eight weeks from Thursday 20 May to Friday 9 July 2021.