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Vaccination Heroes: farewell to our Military Support

After many months of outstanding support, it is time to say goodbye to our military colleagues who are now returning to their normal roles.

Back in January I wrote to thank the wonderful people from the RAF who had joined us to help with our vaccination programme. At the time, six military personnel were supporting us with vaccination.

Since then, a total of 18 members of the military have joined our front-line teams delivering the COVID vaccine as well as a number of other military staff who have worked behind the scenes. In addition, yet more have helped in Powys in other roles, including the logistical work of distributing PPE last year, even before we had a vaccine.

It is fair to say that we have been extremely fortunate to have had their support and that they will be missed. They have also told me that they have thoroughly enjoyed the work and the people they have worked alongside.

The rollout of the COVID vaccine to so many people, so quickly here in Powys has been nothing short of amazing. It has only been possible with the hard work of a really diverse group of people who have all worked so well together, regardless of their background or day job.

So, to our military colleagues as they leave Powys and return to their original posts, thank you and please know that you will be welcome back here at any time.