If you have a sensory impairment that may be a barrier to you participating fully in any of our activities, please let us know by ringing 01874 442 910 and we will make appropriate arrangements.
Welcome to the Powys Living Well Service. This page outlines some of the options that could help you manage your condition.
We specialise in helping people, like you, with long term health issues. We can help you manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life.
We understand that there are no simple fixes and that everyone has their own set of challenges. We will work with you to develop an understanding of the contributing factors, identify barriers and help you find ways to make sustainable change that will improve your health, wellbeing and quality of life. It is your life and we want you to have the information and support that ensures you get the help that fits your specific circumstances
This page provides more information on the services we offer and will help you decide which option(s) suits your specific needs. Also included is information on other services available elsewhere, in case you feel these may be more appropriate.
This page aims to answer 3 questions:
1) What are my options?
We’ve included our interventions, and those provided by other services. It is not a complete list of everything that has ever been tried to help people, but it does include many approaches that are backed by research evidence.
2) What are the pros and cons of each option?
All of the options identified here have the potential to help you, but there is no single right approach that will suit everyone. We will provide you with information about each approach to help you consider what may be right for you.
3) How do I get support to make the right decision?
For general information on the different options, please call 01874 442 910 (Mon to Fri, 9am to 12noon) or email PLWS@wales.nhs.uk
If your question is more specific, we can arrange for a member of the clinical team to call you back. It may be that a full assessment over the phone, via video meeting, or in person may be beneficial to answer your question fully.
Preparation for Initial Consultation
In order to get the most from your initial consultation appointment with the service we advise you to consider what is most important to you by noting down your answers to the following questions;
· What help or information do you want?
· What are the important things for you to be able to do in life?
· Which of these is the most important?
Other sources of advice
Powys Association of Voluntary Organisations has put together a very useful database of services provided by voluntary organisations, charities, local authority and the NHS. To find out more, go to http://en.infoengine.cymru
Help getting online
All our groups are currently run online. If you are unsure about getting online we can provide some help. We can arrange one-to-one sessions with one of our Digital Facilitators who will guide you through accessing and using the online platform and handle any questions or concerns you may have.
High impact changes to improve your health and wellbeing
We all manage our health everyday, whether we decide to walk to work or eat a chocolate bar, it all has an impact on our health and wellbeing. Here are a few proven interventions to help you improve your health and wellbeing.
Stop smoking – If you are a smoker then give up! This is this most effective step you can take to improve your health and the health of those around you. To help you stop you can visit your GP, your pharmacist or we can refer you to Stop Smoking Wales. For further information: Help Me Quit Wales
Take regular exercise
Maintain a healthy weight and eat a healthy diet
Don’t drink more than 14 units of alcohol per week
Keep learning
Notice the world around you
Connect with others in your community by joining a local group
Give to others – this can include giving your time as a volunteer
or contact the Powys Public Health Team on 01874 712 738
If you have a sensory impairment that may be a barrier to you participating fully in any of our activities, please let us know by ringing 01874 442 910 and we will make appropriate arrangements.