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Final Engagement Phase of Wales Air Ambulance Closes

Helicopter and crew

Dear Stakeholder,

The third and final engagement phase of the Emergency Medical Retrieval and Transfer Service (EMRTS) Service Review is now closed, and I wanted to thank public and stakeholders for giving feedback about how to further improve the air ambulance service in Wales.

I am grateful for all the responses sent in throughout February which we have received through a number of routes. Please be assured that whichever way you have chosen to respond to the engagement, your views will be considered equally.

As in previous engagement phases, all feedback is being considered that will help me arrive at a preferred option that I will then be able to recommend formally to the Committee for their decision on 19 March 2024. All updates will continue to be published on the EASC website.   

Thank you once again for your contributions to this Review and please let us know if you would like to be removed from this list at any time.

Best regards

Stephen Harrhy, Chief Ambulance Services Commissioner


