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I am delighted to confirm that Welsh Government has announced two appointments to the Board of Powys Teaching Health Board.

Steve Elliott joined us in late April as Independent Member (Finance).  Steve has held a range of senior leadership roles in public sector finance including most recently as Director of Finance for the Welsh Government Health and Social Services Group. Steve has been appointed for a four-year term. 

Mick Giannasi joined the Board in March in a fixed term appointment to August 2024, pending the recruitment of a substantive independent member in due course. Mick had a distinguished career in the police service and held several senior positions in Wales and England. Since leaving the police he has held senior governance roles in health, care and local government, and is currently chair of Social Care Wales. His expertise and knowledge will help to further strengthen the good governance of our organisation.

Dr Carl Cooper, Chair


Further information about the current membership of the Board is available from our website.


Released: 25/04/2024