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Pathfinder GP practice-led vaccinations under way for Presteigne patients

Alongside the county’s mass vaccination centres, the first GP practice-led COVID-19 vaccinations get under way next week in a pathfinder service through Presteigne Medical Centre.

Are you 80 or over and registered with Presteigne Medical Practice?

If so, then by 12th January 2021 you  will receive an invitation letter to contact the practice to arrange an appointment to attend the practice’s GP-led COVID-19 vaccination clinic which opens next week.

All patients aged 80 or over and registered with Presteigne Medical Practice will receive an invitation letter to contact the practice to attend a clinic.

If you are 80 or over and do not receive an invitation by 12th January you can contact the practice to arrange an appointment. 

Are you under 80 and registered with Presteigne Medical Centre? All other patients will be contacted in future based on the national priority list for COVID-19 vaccination.

You will receive an invitation when you are due for your vaccination. You don't need to apply for an appointment - please don’t contact your GP, pharmacy, health board, hospital or local authority about an appointment.


Are you aged 80 and over and registered with another GP practice (not Presteigne)? Invitations are being issued for appointments at mass vaccination centres across the county. Around 3000 invitation letters have been sent, which represents around a third of people aged 80 and over in the county. Everyone aged 80 and over will receive their invitation during January. Please don’t contact your GP, pharmacy, health board, hospital or local authority about an appointment.

Work is also well under way to establish a network of GP practice-led clinics across the county later this month, in addition to the mass vaccination centres already in place.


More information about COVID-19 vaccination is available from our COVID-19 Vaccination page.


In the first phase of the UK vaccination programme, vaccination will take place according to age and risk of serious illness if someone catches coronavirus.

This priority list is as follows:

1. People living in a care home for older adults and their staff carers

2. People 80 years of age and older, and frontline health and social care workers

3. People 75 years of age and older

4. People 70 years of age and older, and people who are clinically extremely vulnerable (also known as the “shielding” group) - people in this group will previously have received a letter from the Chief Medical Officer advising them to shield

5. People 65 years of age and older

6. People aged 16 to 64 with underlying health conditions*, which puts them at higher risk of serious disease and mortality.

7. People 60 years of age and older

8. People 55 years of age and older

9. People 50 years of age and older

These groups together represent around 99% of preventable deaths from Covid.

*Underlying health conditions:

  • Chronic respiratory disease, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cystic fibrosis and severe asthma
  • Chronic heart disease (and vascular disease)
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Chronic liver disease
  • Chronic neurological disease including epilepsy
  • Down’s syndrome
  • Severe and profound learning disability
  • Diabetes
  • Solid organ, bone marrow and stem cell transplant recipients
  • People with specific cancers
  • Immunosuppression due to disease or treatment
  • Asplenia and splenic dysfunction
  • Morbid obesity
  • Severe mental illness

In the second phase, further recommendations are awaited from JCVI and we hope the rest of the population in Wales will be vaccinated. The advice from the JCVI is that the focus for this phase should be on preventing
further hospital admissions and vaccinating those people who are at increased risk first.
