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Caereinion Medical Practice and the developer, Assura Plc, would like to thank all the patients and local residents who attended the public consultation event on 10th December 2019. This newsletter aims to give an update on the feedback received, how this has impacted the design, and share the final proposals with you, prior to the commencement of the formal Planning Application process.

Eighty people took part in the event, including local Councillors. The feedback was collated and considered by the LHB, Practice and the design team at an “Achieving Excellence Design Evaluation Toolkit” (AEDET) Workshop in January 2020, facilitated by NHS Wales (see next page for details).

The proposed development scored very highly, achieving 5.87 out of 6. However, due to recent changes in the NHS Model of Care, the workshop highlighted the need for more clinical space. As a result, the proposed building has been enlarged to add an additional four consulting rooms, split equally between the Practice and Health Board. Patient parking has also been increased by an additional 12 parking bays, 3 per Consultation Room.

Last year, in light of Covid-19, NHS Wales also issued some additional design guidance for GP Premises. The design was again reviewed and some small changes made to proposals to introduce features to allow for safe operation during a pandemic situation, including; increased infection prevention measures, social distancing, one way routes, and zoning to allow for isolation both of potentially infectious and extremely clinically vulnerable patients to allow for safe treatment.

Due to Covid, there have been delays in progressing the scheme, however we are happy to share that we are now in a position to start the formal Planning Application process. Full proposals and supporting information will be published shortly for formal public and statutory consultation – details to follow.

The Practice and developer are committed to working with patients and the community and are happy to receive comments and concerns on anything to do with the planning application, and then throughout the construction period and the move to the new facilities.   The Practice Manager, Chris Roberts, or Dr Alun Jones-Evans can be contacted via the Caereinion Medical Practice for anyone with comments or concerns.

More information is available in the following documents: