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Your Views on Vascular Services in South East Wales

Between 19th February and 16th April 2021, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board and Powys Teaching Health Board, ran a public engagement on a proposal for the reorganisation of localised vascular services into a ‘hub and spoke’ model.

Clinicians agree that this is a sustainable delivery model that will provide the best outcomes to all patients within the region and best use of skill and staff as advised by the Vascular Society.

Public engagement

The engagement sought public feedback on the proposal to locate a vascular surgery hub for South East Wales at University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, with main spoke hospital services maintained at Royal Gwent Hospital, Grange University Hospital, Royal Glamorgan Hospital, University Hospital Llandough and University Hospital Wales, and care wherever possible maintained closer to home.

  • 110 people responded to the engagement via an online survey
  • There were 7 virtual public meetings with a total of 29 attendees
  • Proposals were discussed at a Third Sector meeting and a range of internal stakeholder meetings

Thank you to everyone who took the opportunity to provide feedback, through public engagement events, the online survey, by email or on social media.

What you told us

Of those who took part in the online survey, 72% agree with the national evidence and recommendation from the clinical option appraisal that a hub and spoke model would improve vascular services and patient outcomes in South East Wales.

A number of common themes emerged from the feedback received in response to the engagement questions and in other formats, including comments made at the public and stakeholder events.

The following themes were identified:

  • Organisation and integration of network services

Respondents highlighted specific ideas or issues related to service provision and integration within the proposed network and in both hub and spokes. People wanted reassurance that the model was sufficient.

  • Location of hub and spoke

Questions were raised in relation to the locations of the hub and spokes and why these sites had been selected.

  • Accessibility and transport

Participants in the engagement expressed the importance of considering travel arrangements and parking at hospital sites.

  • Care provided

Members of the public expressed concern around the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on waiting times and the delivery of services.

  • Engagement process

Comments were raised about the scope of the engagement, how the public were being consulted and in what formats.

  • Impact on other services

The public questioned the impact of the model on existing services at University Hospital of Wales and to what extent future needs had been taken into consideration.

  • Workforce

Respondents and participants voiced the importance of professional training and development opportunities for all staff in the network, as well as raising questions about how the South East Wales Vascular Network would be staffed.

  • Communication

Respondents highlighted the importance of communication and collaborative working across the four Health Board areas. Communication between patients and their families during inpatient stays was also reinforced.

  • Financial issues

Comments were made that expressed concern about inadequate funding for Health Boards and the financial implications of implementing a networked model in the region.

These themes are described in more detail in the full engagement report together with responses to the issues raised. This includes what actions would be taken to address the issues as part of ongoing development of the network.  All of the feedback will be used to ensure future services are implemented appropriately with the right considerations, having a positive impact on patients, their families and NHS staff.

The outcome

Community Health Councils and partner Health Boards have reviewed the findings of the engagement independently and supported the case to move forward with the programme of work, subject to the issues raised during the engagement being addressed in the next phase of work, as outlined in the report.

What next?

The formal planning of the South East Wales Vascular Network will now be implemented and the Health Boards will collaboratively establish the new hub and spoke model, including infrastructure and resource. Further updates will be provided as the service is developed.

View the South East Wales Vascular Network Public Engagement Report here.

This engagement ended on 16 April 2021

Thank you to everyone who responded to our engagement on The Future of Vascular Services in South East Wales, which ended on 16 April 2021.

Reviewing responses

The responses to this engagement are currently being reviewed. Details of the next steps will be published here in due course.

Original engagement

There are a number of growing challenges facing vascular services in South East Wales, meaning the service cannot be sustained in its current format for the future. The configuration of vascular services across the region has been discussed at length for many years, with various options explored, and a series of recommendations established.

Our Health Boards in South East Wales have long standing working relationships, the South East Wales Vascular Network has been formally established to enhance collaboration and identify the best model of care for the future. The network is made up of:

  • Aneurin Bevan University Health Board
  • Cardiff and Vale University Health Board
  • Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board
  • Powys Teaching Health Board

For Powys, these changes mainly affect communities in south Powys who receive general hospital services in Prince Charles Hospital, The Grange Cwmbran and Nevill Hall Hospital. Pathways for vascular services in other parts of the county are not affected.

Together, we are proposing a number of changes to vascular services in our region that will make it sustainable for the future and most importantly lead to improved patient care and outcomes. Taking into account national guidance and specialist advice, a hub and spoke model has been identified as the best way to provide vascular care across the South East Wales region.

This model would mean that all major vascular operations are undertaken at the University Hospital of Wales as the hub, but the majority of care will happen closer to people’s homes in spoke hospitals. This includes pre-operative assessments, investigations and recovery care.

We want to hear from you, the population of South East Wales, to tell us your views on the proposed model of care.

We have compiled information about the nature of vascular services, the current set up, the challenges facing us, our vision for the future and the benefits to patients. Please take the opportunity to learn more about the proposed changes and submit your feedback. These services are a vital part of our healthcare infrastructure in South East Wales.

Please read The Future of Vascular Services in South East Wales document and submit your feedback through our survey.

Useful documents:
Share your views…

We are working closely with our Community Health Councils (CHCs) and other partner organisations to make sure as many people as possible have the opportunity to learn about this programme and share their views. It is important that we hear your thoughts and opinions as we begin the development of our plans.

This public engagement opportunity runs for 8 weeks from from Friday 19th February – Friday 16th April 2021. Please provide us with feedback by completing this short survey:

Complete online survey

Alternatively, you can fill out the form in The Future of Vascular Services in South East Wales document and send it to us in two ways:

Woodland House
Maes-y-coed Road
CF14 4HH

To speak to a member of the team for more guidance please call: 02921 836068

Public Engagement Events:

A series of engagement events will be hosted each of the provider Health Boards on the following dates. Public engagement events are being led by the organisations who provide vascular surgery services in South East Wales. Patients, members of the public and stakeholders in Powys are welcome to attend any of these events.

  • 10/03/2021 - 1400 (led by Aneurin Bevan University Health Board)
  • 11/03/2021 - 1400 (led by Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board)
  • 16/03/2021 - 1800 (led by Aneurin Bevan University Health Board)
  • 16/03/2021 - 1900 (led by Cardiff and Vale University Health Board)
  • 17/03/2021 - 1800 (led by Aneurin Bevan University Health Board)
  • 18/03/2021 - 1900 (led by Cardiff and Vale University Health Board)
  • 18/03/2021 - 1800 (led by Aneurin Bevan University Health Board)
  • 23/03/2021 - 1800 (led by Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board)

To express your interest or register to join an event please email


David Lewis, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, provides an overview of vascular services in South East Wales and sets out the case for change.



What are the benefits of a new model of care for vascular services in the South East Wales region? Have your say on the future of vascular services in South East Wales.



Our proposed model of care for future vascular services will mean the majority of patient care will happen closer to people’s homes in spoke hospitals. Hannah tells us more:
