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"Virtual Visiting" in Powys Teaching Health Board

Powys Teaching Health Board is delighted to announce that all inpatient wards are able to offer “virtual visiting” for all our patients, their families, loved ones and carers.  This means that we can enable families and loved ones to keep in touch under the restricted visiting rules due to the Covid 19 pandemic. The scheme uses mobile devices to offer video and audio calls to help you stay in touch during COVID-19.

To book a call, please speak to the ward staff in the first instance.

Please note that at some times during the day it may be not be possible to book a call to speak to your loved one whilst our staff undertake routine care and at meal times.

If your loved one has a personal email account, they can be contacted via this account at a time agreed with the ward staff.

If your loved one does not have a personal email account, you can book a call with the ward staff who will contact you at the time of the call. You will need to provide an email address/phone number to the ward staff on which you can be contacted.

More information about visiting arrangements during COVID-19 is available from our Visiting page.