What is the ‘Live Well’ Mental Health Planning and Development Partnership Board?
The Mental Health Partnership is responsible for taking forward aspects of the Regional Partnership Board’s work as part of the ‘Live Well’ agenda set out in Powys’ Health and Care Strategy to strengthen and transform mental health and wellbeing services, but also in ensuring services develop in order to meet the requirements wider mental health legislation.
Together for Mental Health is the Welsh Government’s 10-year strategy to improve mental health and well-being in Wales. Published in October 2012, (following significant engagement and formal consultation with key partner agencies, stakeholders, services users and carers) it is a cross-Government strategy and covers all ages. It encompasses a range of actions, from those designed to improve the mental well-being of all residents in Wales, to those required to support people with a severe and enduring mental illness.
Actions identified in the Delivery Plan, require a cross-cutting approach, and are implemented jointly by partners, including Welsh Government, health boards, local authorities, the third and independent sectors, education, public health Wales, police, fire, ambulance and others.
The Delivery Plan is overseen by the National Partnership Board, and each local area is required to establish a Local Partnership Board to monitor progress. In Powys, the Local Partnership Board is known as the ‘Live Well’ Mental Health Planning and Development Partnership Board.
What does the Partnership do?
The membership of the Mental Health Planning and Development Partnership takes account of the template provided by Welsh to ensure membership reflects those required to implement the Delivery Plan. It has Board level leadership.
Powys teaching Health Board and Powys County Council are the “local mental health partners” under the Measure and chair the group.
Organisations forming the Partnership include:
The Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust and the Probation Service are invited to receive papers.
How often does the Partnership meet?
The Partnership Board meets at least 4 times a year.
To keep a close eye on actions, the partnership is supported by a number of subgroups;
These groups are responsible for progressing different areas of the Together for Mental Health Delivery Plan. They also provide highlight reports to the Partnership Board on a quarterly basis.
Annual Report
The Partnership’s 2020-2021 Annual Report can be found here:
Useful links
Together for Mental Health Delivery Plan: review-of-the-together-for-mental-health-delivery-plan-20192022-in-response-to-covid-19_0.pdf (gov.wales)
Mental Health Measure (2010): Mental Health Measure - Primary Care Model.pdf (wales.nhs.uk)
Talk to Me 2- Suicide and Self-Harm Prevention Strategy for Wales:
talk-to-me-2-suicide-and-self-harm-prevention-strategy-for-wales-2015-2020.pdf (gov.wales)
Matrics Cymru: Guidance for Delivering Evidence-Based Psychological Therapy in Wales: Matrics Cymru (CM design - DRAFT 15).pdf (wales.nhs.uk)