A vision for health and wellbeing has been published by the North Powys Wellbeing Programme after listening to residents’ views.
You are invited to an online event with Carol Shillabeer from 5.30pm to 6.30pm on Tuesday 14 September 2021.
Read our newsletter online or download our pdf.
Drop-in vaccination clinics week commencing 16 August.
Powys Teaching Health Board is encouraging people with a body mass index (BMI) of over 25 to sign up for an online weight management programme.
The first recruits to the new Powys Health and Care Academy have begun their work placements. They will be supporting community Mental Health services in Newtown and Welshpool.
Face. Arms. Speech. Time.
Those living with dementia in Powys – and their carers – are being encouraged to “get their wiggle on” by Dementia Matters in Powys and the Powys Teaching Health Board.
Drop-in vaccination clinics to take place on 11 & 12 August.
Healthcare scientists make up only 5% of the workforce, but are involved in 80% of all the clinical decisions made in the NHS - developing innovative, clinical and technological advancements.
No appointment necessary.
Walk and Talk rugby sessions at Welshpool Rugby Club are going from strength to strength and are now calling for more people to get on the pitch.
Information about the "Changing for the Future" engagement in Swansea Bay University Health Board.
Was your first dose in Powys before 31 May 2021?
Anyone looking to start a new career in the health and social care sector in Powys, now has a single place to go for both training and support.
If you are 18 (or will be 18 by 31 October) you can drop in to our mass vaccination centres for your first dose.
COVID-19 testing availability in Powys will be boosted from Monday 26th July with lateral flow devices available for collection from more locations across the county.
A man from Newtown has been inspired to lose weight and start a new Caribbean food business thanks to a NHS Wales weight management programme called Foodwise for Life.
Mobile testing units for people with symptoms move on 21 July
More detail on vaccination for certain people aged 12-17 is expected soon.